Apple vs. Epic Games: How the High-Stakes IP Battle Highlights the Importance of a Strong IP Portfolio

Published on
June 21, 2024

In 2020, the escalating tensions between Epic Games and Apple culminated in one of the most high-profile legal disputes of the decade. At the heart of the conflict was a disagreement over Apple's App Store revenue-sharing model, with Epic Games challenging Apple's 30% cut of in-app purchases. The lawsuit, which involved intellectual property (IP) considerations, serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of maintaining a strong IP portfolio in today's digital marketplace.

The Background: Epic's Rebellion Against Apple's Revenue Sharing Model

Epic Games, the developer behind Fortnite, had long complied with Apple's policy of taking a 30% share of in-app purchases. However, in August 2020, Epic reached its breaking point. The company activated an in-app payment feature that bypassed Apple's App Store, allowing consumers to pay directly through Epic. Tim Sweeney, CEO of Epic Games, argued that this feature would enable consumers to pay less for digital products and allow developers to earn more money.

Apple swiftly responded by removing Fortnite from the App Store entirely. Apple's primary defense was that its iOS platform and App Store had played a significant role in driving Fortnite's popularity, justifying their revenue-sharing model. This action prompted Epic Games to file a lawsuit against Apple, claiming that Apple's practices violated antitrust laws.

The Legal Battle: Antitrust and IP Implications

The lawsuit, known as Epic Games v. Apple, was framed primarily as an antitrust case but had significant implications for intellectual property rights.

  1. Sherman Act and Cartwright Act Violations:some text
    • Epic Games accused Apple of violating the Sherman Act by engaging in "illegal monopoly maintenance" and tying services together unlawfully. Specifically, Epic claimed that Apple's requirement for developers to use its in-app payment system constituted illegal tying.
  2. Intellectual Property Considerations:some text
    • Apple defended its App Store model by emphasizing the value of its intellectual property, asserting that the iOS ecosystem had provided substantial benefits to Fortnite and its developer. The App Store’s policies were presented as a legitimate way to protect Apple's IP, secure its ecosystem, and maintain quality control.

Despite Epic's vigorous fight in district and appeals courts, the Supreme Court ultimately declined to hear the case after it reached the 9th Circuit Court. The court largely upheld Apple's right to maintain its App Store policies but did find that Apple violated California's Unfair Competition Law by restricting developers from informing users about alternative purchasing options.

Lessons Learned: The Importance of a Strong IP Portfolio

The Apple vs. Epic Games dispute highlighted the critical importance of managing and protecting intellectual property effectively. Here are a few key takeaways:

  1. Strategic IP Management:some text
    • Apple’s ability to protect its App Store ecosystem was rooted in a well-established IP strategy, including trademarks, patents, and copyrights. Maintaining a strong IP portfolio enables companies to establish ecosystem control and enforce revenue-sharing models. AI-powered tools such as allow for such IP management to be possible for all firms in a cost effective manner.
  2. Monetization and Revenue Sharing:some text
    • For developers like Epic Games, understanding the nuances of IP contracts and licensing agreements is crucial. A well-structured IP portfolio allows developers to negotiate more favorable terms and diversify revenue streams.
  3. Antitrust and Competitive Concerns:some text
    • The case demonstrated the fine line between legitimate IP enforcement and potential antitrust violations. Companies should regularly review their IP policies and practices to ensure compliance with antitrust laws while maintaining competitive differentiation. Software such as, which evaluates validity and enforceability of patents relative to prior art mitigate such concerns by iteratively checking patents and IP assets against large databases such as that from the USPTO and the WIPO. 
  4. Innovation and Ecosystem Balance:some text
    • Both Apple and Epic Games had valid points regarding innovation and ecosystem balance.
    • Striking a balance between protecting IP rights and fostering developer innovation is essential to maintaining a healthy digital marketplace.


The Apple vs. Epic Games lawsuit serves as a wake-up call for businesses navigating the complex interplay between intellectual property and antitrust laws. By maintaining a strong IP portfolio, organizations can better safeguard their competitive advantages, negotiate favorable revenue-sharing terms, and navigate legal disputes effectively. Ultimately, strategic IP management is indispensable for staying resilient in an increasingly competitive digital landscape.

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